heres a list if ur to blind to see the links

Monday, January 18, 2010

new contest

contest3!!! the contestants are... pennymarie99, rhin1. and upatnight! the subject is best character!ex. my guy is constable mcowsto of the vikings. i have a viking helmet, a moustache, and pestos shirt. so remember vote on the side!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

the votes

hey guys!!!if u answered comba womba on the poll, then u were right! for the coolest king i thought it would be champ and comba.oh, i want to know who voted for me. pplz post a comment. the new eco-quiz question is... what color is pestos hat?pesto im pretty sure ur gonna know. oh, its two colors. is it a.yellow and orange and yellow or and red remember dont answer on the comment just the poll.

contest 2 and new eco-quiz

ok its time for the ecobuddies contest2!! the subject will be best cop clothes combo!
remember just post a vote!

hey guys im gonna start a new thing called "The eco-quiz!" it will be a quiz. just answer the votes. the first question will be who was the first ecobuddies king?
a.champ b.furrs c.coco nacho d.comba womba

to guess answer the vote! on the 18th, i'll post a comment saying who guessed _____ _____? if u guessed that, post a comment. then you might win!


hey when i was making the list that was labeled "here's a list if ur to blind to see the link bar" i was trying to put on comba wombas blog on the list but when i clicked on it when i was done, it went to i had the link right cuz the link was also on my list of fav blogs and i spelled it right. it only worked on my fav. blogs and sites link:( sorry comba ENJOY YOUR FOOD!



hey guys! as you can see, ive updated my for the contests, when i have all my contestants im gonna tell people on ecobuddies my blog so they can vote for the subject like best clothes.ex. im on ecobuddies.three people enter. i tell people to vote for someone lets say coco nacho and comba womba are in a contest for best clothes. i would tell everyone to go on to vote on the poll to the right. whoever gets more votes wins.ENJOY YOUR FOOD! p.s if cowmas not on to start the contest it will be BACONROX. thats my other file. ok?


Saturday, January 16, 2010


ok hammy i know i promised an interview so i'll put it now

question 1 cowma: what is ur favorite animal?
hammy:a cat

question 2 :cowma:if u were king, what kind of party would you pick?
hammy:a music party

question 3 cowma:do you like drawing, writing,or reading best?
hammy:DRAWING!!!!!!!!!!! cowma: cool me too! hammy: BY LONG SHOT

question 4 cowma:are you happy u won? hammy: yep

final question:if u could have a prize on ecobuddies besides king or membership what would it be? hammy: to buy furniture. cowma:ok, i'll ask ecobuddies if u can for a prize. thats all! ENJOY YOUR FOOD!

ok well it turned out some contestants didnt have houses so i changed it
the subject was best clothes combo! the contestants were pop34, rhin1, piggers,( i think piggers was in) and hammy.the winner was hammy!he wasnt a member but it was pretty good for a nonmember.

the interview will be posted in a minute.


hey im gonna start contests.the first one will start january 16 2010 the subject will be best house. add me if u wanna enter so i can see ur house. if u want to enter, but dont wanna add me, just add me until the contest is will end the next day (jan. 17 2010,)and the winner will get an interview posted on my blog! just so u know, i cant post pics because my computer doesnt work for some reason. oh, the winner will be told on the 17 at 5 o'clock.ENJOY YOUR FOOD!


hey peoples

hey people. thnx for the ideas piichu and green buddies group. i didnt know i was king again and i think i missed everything:(i hate it when something happens and u never knew.
